Thursday, April 17, 2008


Wow a blow out for Google. This will definitely give the market the lift it needs to get going as I told you. IBM didn't really do it for us today but GOOGLE I am 100% sure with option expiration tomorrow should be a great day. Today was fun all my daytrades scored as targeted and that reinforces what I said last night that the days after trend days are usually great trading days.
I expect us to keep the bullish bias till earnings are over, after that who knows but I will be short the heck out of this run up after earnings and into any kind of technical resistance.
Today should be great day to trade look for GOOG, BIDU, YHOO, and the Brokers for the first hour's high to go long.

If it was always this easy

Wow days after trend days are always very profitable for me, can't get any easier than these days.
Sweet sweet sweet. I hope you longs are ok today because all my money today I made on the short. Who knows where this market really goes and who cares aslong as you make money up and down I surely don't!!!!!
Apple looks week here but since tomorrow is option expiration more than likely the crooks will pin it tomorrow @$150 or $155. Tonight I will be watching GOOGLE earnings. I am like a kid in a candy store for that one tonight.

Yahoo deal seem like it is a dud for the options I have for tomorrow but it was 100% risk, good that I purchased in the money options so at least the are worth something.