Monday, August 18, 2008


Well I will go again here and say FNM and FRE going to $2, yep folks aint going to go up AT ALL. Call me the bear man or the doom and gloom but from what I have been hearing it is bad in bank and mortgage land.
I have one for you guys to watch- LEHMAN brothers it is going down folks. I would not be surprised if that one goes to $5 and the mighty GS will go to $135, so mark it down.
Anyways folks TECH is about to fall. I think we will get a sell off in tech before end of September so some of the September puts on the high flyers might be good to dip your feet in.
I personally think you have to be insane to buy any stock in the market right now except the ultrashorts. Yes we will get bounces but they wont last. I still have first open target for the Russell @600 before the year is over and 350 in the next 18 months and I will stick to that call and I always.
I have a trade call tomorrow for you all. It is a SEPT put on a stock I think has much lower prices.



Wow FNM is now $7 there is no saving that one.

FNM going to $2 for sure.

Rolling Over

We are rolling over early this morning. Tested the overnight lows before 10 am is not good