Monday, March 17, 2008


Ok Folks I think we will have some more news to drop the brokers and banks and I am letting you in on two plays I might initiate tomorrow.
Firstly WM (Washington Mutual) might be a nail in the coffin from the Bear Sterns fail out. They were targeted to be taken over by Bear Stern but since there is no more Bear Sterns where does that leave WM. Wamu as it is called on the street might be a tough sale as the mortgage situation seem to be getting worst. WM might see $2 if not bought out. I will be shorting lots everyday for the next week or so to build a position SHORT. I will set my stops at $11.75, so that's a $2.5 position from here.
Second play is IMB(Indy Mac) which I think will go under. It is undercapitalized and is one of the worst banks currently trading on the exchange. Currently this stock is under $5 so it might be hard to borrow to short but I might play the $5 April puts if I can't short it.
Remember tomorrow is FED meeting and we will go in dead mode after the first 90 minutes of trading. Also remember we usually have an upward bias into and the day after FED meetings so I would be lightening up on stock if you are SHORT. Today action also wasn't bad in lieu of the news and might have some substance to base a rally.
All rallies will be short lived but no sense in being short if the market rallies a few hundred points.
Today was a EXCELLENT day for me as everything worked like a charm. Lets keep it close to the vest this week as options expiration and the FED meeting will sure push us around.
I am also looking in to some commodities short as we speak because I do believe we will get a substantial pullback in the commodities soon very soon.

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