Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Rethinking US problem

Ok folks I am going to vent here as I hear these politicians, financial reporters and analyst make claim of how we should do things to get us in a better place. First question I will ask them, how the heck did we get here, we got here listening and putting trust in these idiots in the first place.
I constantly hear politicians talking about corn producing ethanol to drive off our use of oil from the middle east countries who they lie in bed with. This is CRAP!!!! Does anyone see what is happening in the world? People are fighting for food, two governments have already toppled because of high food prices, today Costco announced that people are buying huge amount of flour and rice, which obvious leads me to the conclusion people are starting to hoard these items because of fear of high prices or lack of availability. How can politicians tell us to producing ethanol when people are starving!!! it is insane. Farmers are selling the corn crop to produce ethanol because of government is giving them incentives to do so, while people are starving, something is wrong. We need corn to produce food not oil to drive 5.8 litre SUV's!!!!!!
We need to stop buying gas guzzlers, invest more in research of agro technology because it is obvious that at the current population growth rate the earth may not be able to produce food fast enough to feed us in years to come. These politicians are a bunch of morons who seem to say anything to get elected and I am sorry to say we are bigger morons because we allow them to get elected. People are starving, people are losing their homes, retirees have to choose between medicine and food I can't believe this is happening in America. When will we stop being selfish to our neighbors, communities, state and country before we realize we all live on the same earth and the decisions we make affects not one but all.
We have to think about others we are just too selfish, we need to think about the environment, it disturbs me to see trees over 50 years old being cut down to build homes then they landscape around the homes with some 2 feet trees, do we know what are the consequences to the environment of this. Yes we need homes to live but we dont need to destroy our environment to do so.
Just take a deeper look when you drive out tomorrow to work and think about these things.

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