Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Okie Dokie

Ok we got a nice rally today. A few things to make note of: firstly tomorrow is FED rate announcement and we usually have an upward bias into FED announcements. Secondly, volume was on the light side and as most of you know price needs to be backed by volume. Thirdly, I would love a gap up tomorrow and maybe a push into S&P 1000 as this should provide some resistance. I am still thinking here that we will see 755 on the S&P before the year is up. Fourthly, tomorrow if we are up into that 11:00 time I would not be surprised if we sell off as most traders will sell the news on the FED announcement.
Fifth, we have a few gaps on the charts in the indices above and if they want to push us higher I expect those gap to get filled before the turn us down.

Is this a one day wonder like two week ago? Who knows but this week should be tricky with the election next week and most looking to see how the polls look over the weekend. I don't see us rallying very far and upside will be limited I think to the upside of DOW 10,300 and around S&P 1050 if they really push us. I would love to see 1050 on the S&P as this would provide a nice low risk short after the elections.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read a lot of blogs...Not too sure what is wrong with your feed, but I got all of your posts after the market closed today. May want to look into that