Saturday, December 6, 2008

Obama and the Markets

Yesterday on CNBC I heard something very disturbing by a floor trader on the NYSE when they asked him about the rally that was happening in the markets. His answer was that they hope Obama's administration will be positive for the markets and people looks like they are going to buy into his inauguration. Well folks I dont think it can get much worse than the present administration but thinking that Obama will save your investments is like saying the burglar alarm system is going to save you from an armed gunman outside your home, it ain't going to happen. I am thinking if they are beginning to think like that, the market may actually run up into Obama's swearing in and then tank after a few weeks or months when they realize it was all false hope, which it already is.
How can you invest based on a new administration is beyond me. Just like this present administration has cut taxes, lessen regulation, which are two things the capitalists love as they say it stimulate grow, then why are we in this massive mess?? Answer that question for yourself. Lowering taxes don't help anyone! believe me it has been empirically proven. Ok and we lower taxes how are we going to pay for stuff that we need as a nation especially since we are throwing away Billions to the financial and auto industry, where are we going to get services from with less government revenues. Lowering taxes is just a politic sound bite because it sounds good to get votes but it is a proven failure. Norway is one of the top 5 places to live in the World and they have a tax rate of 50%, yes 50%. Wow that's high right oh yes but guess what, they can provide every single service for their citizens. School is free even university, women get one year off paid after pregnancy, all operations are free including medicine. Now wouldn't you pay 50% taxes if you knew all your 3 kids would have college education and your health care paid for???
Well let's hope we get an Obama rally so we can short the heck out of it down to DOW 5000.


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