Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Market hopes dims

Short note tonight as I am going to bed early because I feel alittle sick. Today I noticed something and I just want to point it out. Today was the first day that Obama has come on tv and the market didn't rally! that's a sign about the reality the market tries to hide from.
Market believe Obama will save us and I am sorry folks, did you see the numbers this morning terrible and I believe the unemployment numbers on friday will be worst than expected too. For all those who are taking the state of the economy for granted and think we are in a bottoming process you are going to be very very sad when the DOW is around 4800 this year. You can all try and fight the trend but sorry you 401k will be wiped out, unemployment will be higher and we will be in the worst financial crisis in history PERIOD.
Layoffs are increasing at an alarming rate and the news is over China there is a slow civil unrest because workers are panicking because no work can be found. It is definitely going to get worst but the good think traders can make money in up or down markets yippppeeee.
Trade calls and blog mention items are rocking and I am telling you this tomorrow we will ROCK again.
I have a bunch of plays to make here right before Obama which are going to be killers and I expect February we will get some huge plays off the first days of him in office, we going to rock hard for 2009 but you need to be on board the plane so please get your tickets and I am only accepting first class :)

I am sending out a private trade call to a few people tonight who I have spoken to about a situation in the market via email or IM. You guys look out for it.


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