Friday, February 29, 2008

SKF- update!!!!!!

For a long term play bought yesterday SKF is SMOKING!!!!!!!!!
right now it is +$9. I am holding this along with AMZN short which is up $4.20

Said it here any times this market is so dead it just doesn't know it yet. I expect SKF to goto 130 in a rush if more bad news come out on the munibonds. Lets see how the close settle but presently we are down 295 points on the DOW and the S&P at its lows of 1333


SKF up nicely, I am holding this though it is +$5 in one day. I think it goes higher.
AMZN short is also nice +$2.50 on it from yesterday but I am also going to hold it.

Lets see what today brings.