Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Nothing boring day and indecision. Only significant happening was that my good old Bank of America paid back the TARP funds. Now they are free to rape us without a cause and get a CEO. Watch that stock as I have been saying $15 is the magical number on it. Has to hold that level or we will quickly wee $12. No doubt it will be in the single digits next year in my opinion but the market is doing much here to push the financials down yet.

Do I ??

Do I get to say BINGO today again with a 1081 hit????

We will see maybe we get there overnight and I wouldn't be surprised at that.


Wonder if they get to 1081 today or overnight. Another thing, has anyone notice that the days are boring while the action is 90% happening overnight. Yes not alot of participation for U.S players.

Spain downgraded

I missed the news this morning of S&P downgrading Spain.

March contracts

Remember those who trade Dec contracts should change over to March by end of week


Downside number I am looking at for some support is 1080/1. I still believe we will mismatch till the first week of January with a slight bias to the downside into Christmas