Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bounce today

The bounce today seems very corrective and not full of life . I believe tomorrow if we gap up I will be looking to short as 805 is a Target here on the futures. Today was one of those up and down days with no news and I have a sneaky feeling traders who want to sell dont want to scare the markets so they are in hibernation.
Tomorrow and thursday I think we go lower. Turn around tuesday was in effect today and 90% of the times works. Lets see how the bulls start out tomorrrow.


The bottom????

Oh yes we bottoming here!!! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on folks please see the light!! We keep on hearing from these idiots that we are bottoming but yet today we sold off from the get go with no chance of a bounce. I thought I would have some laughs today and watched Cramer and I was just on the floor lol. Cramer calling Citibank a great investment. Could someone please remind the public he called WB, BAC, two of this fortress four about 200% higher not even 2 months ago. I MEAN CRAMER is the biggest loser on this earth but thousands still follow him, just unreal. Just like he called Bear Sterns a screaming buy @ $70 anyone remember?? Cramer should stop smoking or drinking whatever he is doing and shut up.
Anyway I digress again :) Folks we are no where at a bottom and we are NOW in a recession! lol REALLY wow I didn't know :) Where are these people months ago when I was saying we are in a recession, hmm like last year when I said so, but people called me a bear and crazy and said oh yes who are you? where do you work? lol. Oh yes but now they saying we are in a recession from december 2007, this is just too funny.
We are trusting our knowledge to a bunch of morons in every aspect in our lives, it is really unreal. Paulson, Paulson, Paulson, has anyone but me realize that anytime this idiot speaks the market sells off. Do you know why? because the smart money knows whatever he is saying is total crap and he doesn't have a clue what he is doing but he must know! he was CEO of Goldman Sachs, hehehehe, just like his buddies who ran Lehman, Bear, Citibank etc in the ground and said they didn't know what was going on lol. This whole system is a joke, is anyone realizing this, could someone read my blog and give me a million so I can turn it into $20 million in 18 months because I will betting against these morons.

Folks we are heading to DOW 4500, You can call me crazy but you will see and it is documented here over and over. Today one of my buddies asked me to look at the metals. I just did and came up with this analysis, gold and silver should have rallied on all this bad news and it hasn't, that tells me Gold and silver looks lower. I have been saying it Gold looks like $600 more than $1000 but we will see soon enough.