Tuesday, August 11, 2009


984.25 is still valid from August 6. Lets see if it gets hit this week.


WYNN -Short

Nice grab on that WYNN short 57 yesterday.


I hear analysts coming on the media saying we are in a new bull market, then I hear some saying we in a bull market but we at the 50% retracement from the highs to lows on the nasdaq, which is rubbish if it is a 50% retracement here you can't call it a bull market (IDIOTS).
Well all I know the market looks extremely tired and volume looks weak ( remember August is a holiday month in Europe) so that could be the reason.

Anyways 1006/7 number on the S&P seem to have been a decent place to short- Got that number all over the place that's why i have been talking about it for the last 2 weeks. My only serious problem with it is that it went over a few points which leaves me wondering. Well just very short term because I think we still go a little higher.