Tuesday, July 22, 2008


TWM on a gap down on the stock tomorrow. Worth a 1/2 share lot buy or trade close to $70.


SPY trade

S&P got it mark today and we will see how they move us tomorrow. Option expiration for crude expired today and I suspect alot of the upward movement in the market was contributed to the sell off in Oil.
I think the financials are overbought here and SHOULD get a pullback but as we know things dont follow logics most of the time. $145 should be the target on the SKF if we pullback then we will analyze when we are there again.
I would not be surprised if we push up to the 1290 on the S&P but that will be heavy resistance and I will be looking to short some tech and futures up there.
Market is very hard to trade these last two weeks so don't push it, better to play some options and let them ride at least your risk is defined.

Awesome play this morning cashing in on the the SKF - AWESOME.

ONLY WINNERS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TRADE CALL: SPY $127 puts

Very small play for me here - Not going wild on this one just a intuition trade, so very small

SPY TW @2.26


Still looking for that 1275 to be tested and on the upper limit 1292. Lets see what they want to do this evening. Market it having a chop fest

SKF Again

Worth a shot again if it trades down to $125

You have to trade

Reason why you have to trade stuff. SKF was up $10 this morning now it is down. That's why you have to take the profits and move on.

Market looks like it want to go a bit higher but resistance is around 1272 on the S&P

SKF options

Out here $20.70.

+5.70 from $15 entry yesterday. Oh about a 40% profit in a day

ONLY WINNERS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SKF options

Put them out @ $21.50. should be an awesome play for those who played them.

entry was $15 yesterday


Take +$10 off 1/2 SKF here.


Wachovia larger loss

Well Wachovia misses and announces dividend cut. Our SKF should be in good standing today.It is just 7 am so I dont have an indication yet on it but we should be up pretty nice on it.
Apple proved that tech will be the next shoe to fall in the market. Guys you can believe me or not but this market is going to be alot lower in coming months and I dont see this market being any higher in 2-3 years. Don't invest or you will be dead.