Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nice readers-

How we doing today??? DOW is down 380+ points but are our morning mentioned trades all profited.

MS +12% on the morning mention short
WFC + 14% on the morning mention short
SPY Trade call +$4 since Friday entry
SKF +$22, that's 18% since mention this morning short
FAZ+ 25% on the morning mention.

Some day for us here while the public is dead in its track.

Keep readinG and racking up those profits.


SPY Trade

Update SPY short +$4 here on the final 1/4 lot as I said I am holding this for a few days and may possible add. Folks we are getting crushed here period.

Nice call on this sell off as I said last week. They will sell the news and today is the news or lack of news in my opinion.

Blog is just rocking

I hope

I hope some of you read the pre market up date and played the stocks mentioned. MS down almost 10% and WFC down around 12%. Two nice winners if you took them. SKF and FAZ moving this some monsters.


SPY trade

Out 1/2 of the 1/2 lot +$3

so just 1/4 lot left

I think I will be riding this 1/4 lot for a week or so.

SPY trade

I am up $2.50 on it as we sell off here- I am going to take 1/2 off to reduce risk.

Another winner!!

As expected

As expected we are selling into the news conference. Who knows what we will do after he talks- Right now I am just glad I am short the SPY and up nicely.

Geithner Today

Nothing matters today but what Geithner has to say on the bank plan. I have a gut feeling they will sell the new and I am willing to short the banks or go long SKF and FAZ. Two I like here short is WFC and MS so keep an eye on those for a set up.