Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rate cut! Will it help

Well just as predicted we have gotten a surprise rate cut of .75% by the FED. I am very scared when they did this 40 minutes ago as to me it signals panic as the FED meeting is scheduled to happen in 5 days from today, why not wait? The reason they can wait is the usual STUPIDITY of these people they put in charge of wall street firms and the FED. Why should the fed bail out people who make bad investments, WHY? This rate cut will have no effect!!!! none whatsoever.
Bernanke needs to step down as he can't analyze the situation and I blame these Wall Street crooks who constantly rape us and gain huge bonuses, then get bailed out. The next 3 days is going to be wild very wild, the FED should have not moved today, it is causing more panic than anything else.
Over the weekend I went to the bookstore to read this weekends Barron's. The cover showed 10 analysts predicting what would happen this year. Eight of them said the market would be up this year and one of the very popular ones Abbey Cownhead said the DOW would hit 14750 this year. That is Wall Street problem, we listen to these heads of large firm and put our trust and dollarss with them and we get burnt. The problem lies with the tradition of analysts who alwas thing bullish and say everything should go up.
M last note before the market opens is be cool and calm here and dont panic. This market is extremely tough to invest in so DONT. This is traders market and if you aren't a trader then stay in cash.

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