Wednesday, March 18, 2009

FED Action

I know most don't understand what the FED did today but today the FED essentially printed 1.15 TRILLION. The announcement of the FED buying almost everything out there include car notes is one more sign how deep of a hole we are in. Now think about it if the banks were lending out money and the system was freeing up liquidity their would have been no need for such actions. Scary will be when the FED have to mop up all this money we will be looking at drastically higher interest rate, maybe as high as double digits. Remember all they have is .25% so they can't drop any further so they are printing money at the fastest rate ever seen.

Now folks I am telling you this HERE and NOW- We are almost at the top of this rally PERIOD. This is a PUMP and DUMP scenario and I will stick by it.

I also have my CRAMER signal saying the top is in. Cramer said this is the new bull market!!!! That means SELL. He is always wrong.


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